How Did Phil Ivey Make His Money

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March 4, 2021 NC lawmakers finalize doling out more federal COVID-19 money News March 4, 2021 That ye be not judged Columns March 4, 2021 Church of the week March 4, 2021 Senate. His last cash came in 2012 with a seventh-place fi nish in the $1 million buy-in Big One For One Drop. He was inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame in 2003. In 2010, as Aria’s poker room gained popularity among the high-stakes community, the fellow MGM-owned proper-ty debuted its own high-stakes area named after poker legend Phil Ivey.

Chad Holloway

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Wednesday's latest 'High Stakes Poker' episode on PokerGO was played as $400/$800 no-limit hold'em and was a continuation of the game from the week before.

Below is a look at five of the biggest and most interesting hands from the new episode.

After a couple of small pots to start the action, the stack sizes (minus Phil Ivey’s as he was sitting out at that point) were flashed on the screen for the first time.

Tom Dwan$341,400
Lazaro Hernandez$314,800
Phil Ivey$268,300
Phil Hellmuth$226,600
James Bord$218,700
Jake Daniels$174,700
Brandon Adams$162,600
Chamath Palihapitiya$138,700

Phil Ivey vs. Lazaro Hernandez – Picking Off the Bluff

Lazaro Hernandez limped the button holding the and Jake Daniels put in $400 more from the small blind with the . Ivey exercised his option from the big blind with a raise to $4,300 holding the and Hernandez opted to call.

How Did Phil Ivey Make His Money Worth

Daniels got out of the way and it was heads-up action to the flop, which came down . Ivey continued for $3,500 and Hernandez called with his up-and-down straight draw. The turn paired Ivey and he bet $13,000.

Hernandez called it but missed on the river. However, Ivey checked and that opened the door for Hernandez to bluff at it with a $27,000 bet. It didn’t work though as Ivey picked it off and claimed the $97,200 pot.

Phil Hellmuth vs. James Bord – Hellmuth Gets No Respect

James Bord limped under the gun with the and Daniels did the same from the cutoff with the . Ivey called with the on the button before Hellmuth raised to $4,000 from the big blind with the .

No one was deterred as all of the Poker Brat’s opponents looked him up and went to a flop of . Hellmuth checked, Bord bet $7,000, and both Daniels and Ivey released. Hellmuth called before checking in the dark before the turn, which gave Bord the lead.


Bord bet $12,000 and Hellmuth sat back in his chair, “What are you doing Bordy? Trying to give me the money, huh?” Hellmuth called and added: “I believe you’re trying to give it to me.”

How Did Phil Ivey Make His Money

Hellmuth then checked the river and Bord did the same to win the $58,400 pot.

“We have ignition,” commentator Gabe Kaplan chimed in as Hellmuth shot out of his chair and let loose some expletives.

In the very next hand, Tom Dwan returned to the game and bought the button, which put Hellmuth under the gun. He looked down at the and raised to $1,600, which only Dwan called with the . Both players checked the flop and then Dwan bet $2,000 on the turn. Hellmuth called and the completed the board on the river. Dwan checked and then folded to a bet of $2,000 from Hellmuth.

Hellmuth then felt the need to bring Dwan up to speed on what happened the hand before and just how badly Bord played.

Chamath Palihapitiya vs. Tom Dwan – Four of a Kind

Chamath Palihapitiya straddled to $1,600 and Dwan raised it to $5,000 next to act with the . Action folded back to Palihapitiya and he popped it back by making it $17,000 with the . Dwan refused to give up, tossed in the chips, and the flop fell .

Palihapitiya flopped middle set and led out for $20,000, which Dwan called with bottom pair. The turn gave Palihapitiya quads and he checked to Dwan, who checked behind. On the river, Palihapitiya fired $85,000 into the $76,000 pot, leaving himself just $9,000 behind.

“Wow,” Dwan whispered as he shifted in his chair. The man known as “durrrr” thought long and hard before making the call.

“Quads,” Palihapitiya said as he tabled the goods.

“That’ll do it,” Dwan said with a smile. Ship the $246,000 pot to Palihapitiya.

Brandon Adams vs. Chamath Palihapitiya – Set Up to Lose

Palihapitiya raised to $2,300 with the from the cutoff and Brandon Adams called holding the on the button. Both blinds folded and it was heads-up to the flop. Palihapitiya bet $4,000 with his overpair and then called when Adams, who had flopped a set, raised to $14,000.

The turn saw Palihapitiya check-call a bet of $22,000 and the completed the board on the river. Palihapitiya checked again and called when Adams bet $35,000. With that, the $148,600 pot went over to Adams.

Not long after, Ivey cashed out of the game and Jason Koon took his place. Koon bought in for $500,000, which meant over $2 million was in play on the table.

Tom Dwan vs. Brandon Adams – Big Slick into Rockets

Adams raised to $2,500 under the gun holding the only to have Dwan, who looked down at the in the big blind, three-bet to $10,000. Adams called and the ran out on the flop.

Dwan continued for $15,000, Adams called, and the gave the latter a spade flush draw.

Dwan upped his bet to $40,000, but that wasn’t enough to shake Adams, who called to see the river.

It was a brick for Adams, and he folded when Dwan moved all in for $145K effective into the pot of $131,200.

How much money is phil ivey worth

Here’s how the stack sat at the end of the episode:

How Did Phil Ivey Make His Money

Jason Koon$508,500
Tom Dwan$419,400
James Bord$280,500
Chamath Palihapitiya$225,800
Lazaro Hernandez$225,100
Phil Hellmuth$188,100
Brandon Adams$161,600
Jake Daniels$126,100

Remember, High Stakes Poker will air every Wednesday but is only available to PokerGO subscribers. If you’re not currently subscribed, you can get a monthly subscription for $14.99, a three-month plan for $29.99, and an annual subscription for $99.99.

How Rich Is Phil Ivey

*Images courtesy of PokerGO.

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    PokerGOTom DwanPoker on TVPhil IveyPhil HellmuthHigh Stakes Poker
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    Phil IveyPhil HellmuthTom Dwan
Phil Ivey is an American professional poker player. He’s considered by many to be one of the greatest poker players ever. In addition, he is also one of the biggest gamblers in the world, with casinos all over the world rolling out the red carpet for him. Phil Ivey has a net worth of $100 million.
$100 million

How Did Phil Ivey Make His Money Play

Phil Ivey has a net worth of $100 million. It’s nearly impossible to guess Phil Ivey’s net worth. An accurate estimation can only been done when we now how much he won/lost gambling, and what his online poker earnings are.

How Did Phil Ivey Make His Money

That said, there are some numbers and facts that are known to us:

How Did Phil Ivey Make His Money Make

Sources tell us that Phil Ivey was receiving nearly $1 million/month from Full Tilt Poker prior to “Black Friday”. Ivey was also one of the biggest winners on Full Tilt Poker, collecting over $10 million in cash game earnings during his total time on the website. According to Hendon Mob, a poker database, Ivey has over $26 million in total lifetime tournament cashes.

He is also a strategic investor at An Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology to make online poker more secure.

How Much Money Is Phil Ivey Worth

Ivey met his wife when he was only 17 years old. He married his high school sweetheart, Luciaetta, at the Little White Wedding Chapel on Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas on May 19, 2002. The marriage lasted 7 years, and in 2009 they filed for a divorce.